Youth Matter Project Report Organization Name* Youth Representative name* First Last Adult Representative name* First Last Project Name* How often did the youth group meet for this project?* How many youth organized this project?*How many other people did this project reach?*Describe how your project met its goals, particularly how it aligned with the Youth Matter goals of building a safe environment, developing supportive relationships, and empowering youth to make a difference.*How did the adults in the project provide a supportive environment for youth?*What impact did this project have? On youth? On the community?*Please include results of your impact evaluation here or email them separately to were youth involved as leaders and decision makers throughout this project?*Financial Report*Please describe how your grant funds were used, referring back to your approved budget description.What suggestions do you have for the “Youth Matter Grants” in the future?*Would you be interested in applying for this grant again? Why or why not?*Share Your SuccessMax. file size: 512 MB.Please upload any photos, videos, or materials AYDC may use to share the impact your Youth Matter project had on our community. Or email them to CAPTCHA