Positive Youth Development

Our Anchorage Youth Development Coalition (AYDC) program’s core purpose is to advance positive youth development. Research shows we can truly transform outcomes for youth using this approach.

Effective Experiences


Effective Relationships


Effective Environments


Positive Youth Development

What is Positive Youth Development?

Positive Youth Development is an intentional, pro-social approach that engages youth within their communities, schools, organizations, peer groups, and families in a matter that is productive and constructive; that recognizes, utilizes, and enhances young people’s strengths; and promotes positive outcomes for young people by providing opportunities, fostering positive relationships, and furnishing the support needed to build on their leadership strengths. (Interagency Working Group on Youth Programs).

Positive Youth Development leads to:


* Economic self-sufficiency * Civic engagement *Physical and mental health * Positive relationships


* Violence * Substance abuse * Suicide * Truancy and Dropping Out

Positive Youth Development in Action​

Youth Program Quality: Positive Youth Development researchers identify specific practices that youth program staff and leaders can use to improve outcomes for youth. From safe space, to supportive environment, to interactions and engagement, delivering high quality youth programs is an art and a science. AYDC’s Youth Program Quality initiative is an evidence-based approach to strengthening the way programs incorporate these practices

Social Emotional Learning: Employability skills, life skills, soft skills, emotional intelligence, social and emotional skills—known by many names, these core skills are critical for youth in all aspects of their lives. The social emotional learning (SEL) process that builds these skills is a powerful component Positive Youth Development. SEL is an emphasis of both AYDC’s Youth Program Quality and Second Order Change initiatives.

Additional Resources

Additional Resources:

Car Seats

Need help installing your car seat? 

Our certified technicians are here to help keep you and your loved ones safe. Contact us today to schedule a personal car seat check.


Center for Safe Alaskans and the Anchorage Youth Development Coalition depend on the generosity of donors like you. 

Clicking the donate button will take you to the Alaska Injury Prevention Center and Anchorage Youth Development Coalition’s PayPal account page.

Join Us

Center for Safe Alaskans supports  organizations through advocacy, resources, networking, and training to help prevent injuries, improve safety and promote well-being. Together, we are creating a community around professional youth work, injury prevention and safety in our broad and inclusive coalition. We’re able to do this because of organizations and individuals like you. 

Contact Us

Center for Safe Alaskans

4241 B Street, Suite 100
Anchorage, AK 99503

Phone: (907) 929-3939
E-mail: info@safealaskans.org

Email Us


Copyright 2018, Center for Safe Alaskans