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Anchorage Youth
Development Coalition

Youth Work Methods Workshops

AYDC is pleased to offer the following research-based Youth Work Methods workshops to youth-serving organizations, both for those currently enrolled in our Youth Program Quality initiative, and other youth programs interested in gaining the skills to improve their program. Our AYDC staff received training and certification to lead these workshops through the Weikart Center for Youth Program Quality, a national leader in youth development research and practice.

You can learn more about the trainings below.  You may also contact Ciara Johnson at Ciara@safealaskans.org or Julie Albert at Julie@safealaskans.org to host a workshop for your staff at your organization. 

Are you an AYDC contributing member?  Contact Julie to learn about the member discount!

Workshop Details
  • Length: 2 hours
  • Group Size: 10-40 (contact us for information about adaptations for smaller or larger groups)
  • Cost: $150 for Current AYDC Contributing Member Organizations ($200 for non-members)
  • Participant workbooks containing activity ideas, key information, and supporting research are available to accompany each training at an additional cost of $12/book
  • Host organization to provide training space to accommodate participants in rounds or a u-shape format, with sufficient space for standing and movement activities

The Workshops

Introduction to the Active Participatory Approach

Youth programs can be optimized for youth needs, motivation, and engagement. The Active-Participatory Approach to youth work was designed to address these goals. This youth-centered approach is the foundation for the Youth Work Methods Series.

Building Community 

 Do you know what it takes to build an emotionally and physically safe space for youth?  Building an emotionally safe community of peers and adults is essential for youth to learn and develop as individuals.  This interactive workshop will introduce participants to a variety of activities designed to support the community building process.


Planning and Reflection  

Are you engaging youth in the critical life skills of planning and reflection?  Are you ready to be more intentional about including planning and reflection strategies into your daily routine and activities but not sure where to start?  This interactive workshop will introduce participants to powerful and easy to use methods that promote youth engagement in planning, implementing, and evaluating activities and projects. 


Active Learning 

 Do you know the difference between active learning and “hands-on” learning?  Giving youth materials is just the beginning.  This interactive workshop introduces the “ingredients” of active learning, explains the role that active learning plays in the experiential learning cycle, and helps participants create more powerful learning opportunities for youth.

Cooperative Learning 

 Do the youth in your program have opportunities to work together in groups, teaching and learning from each other?  Cooperative learning is an excellent way to nurture youth leadership, build community, and keep things fun.  This interactive workshop will equip participants with grouping strategies and ways to think about building cooperative learning into any program offering.


Reframing Conflict

What role do you play in conflict situations with the youth in your program?  Do you know how to turn a conflict situation into an opportunity for growth?  This interactive workshop introduces participants to the High/Scope step-by-step model for reframing conflict as well as general principles of conflict resolution. 


Structure and Clear Limits 

 How do you prevent chaos in a youth environment without stifling youth’s positive energy?  Youth need structure and clear limits in order to feel safe.  This interactive workshop helps participants analyze the level of structure in their programs and practice identifying and maintaining clear limits. 



Do you communicate with youth in a way that makes them feel supported and heard?  This interactive workshop introduces various communication techniques that help you build more supportive, youth-centered relationships.  Participants will learn how to ask more effective questions, to listen actively to youth, and offer youth encouragement rather than praise.      


Homework Help 

 This course focuses on making homework help time effective by helping youth get organized, by providing an atmosphere that helps youth focus on their work, and by building a supportive relationship with youth. These elements help participants reconsider Homework Help as an opportunity to build relationships and nurture positive growth, beyond getting the work done.


Youth Voice 

Are you providing young people with authentic, meaningful choices throughout your program?  Does your program reflect the input of the youth involved?  Research shows that quality programs incorporate youth input at both activity and organizational levels.  This workshop will emphasize the importance of offering real choices and meaningful participation to youth, and nurturing youth leadership.  This interactive workshop is focused on providing meaningful choice within activities and opportunities for youth input within the youth program itself.


AYDC Updates

Sign up for Anchorage Youth Development Coalition’s weekly newsletter. Stay connected with the youth-serving community’s latest events and opportunities by joining us today.

Donate Now

When you make a contribution to AYDC, you are investing in Anchorage’s future. Make a special contribution today. 

Clicking the donate button will take you to our Safe Alaskans PayPal account page


The Anchorage Youth Development Coalition supports  organizations to advance positive youth development. Become a contributing coalition member to build a community of professional youth work for all young people.

Contact Us

Center for Safe Alaskans

4241 B Street, Suite 100
Anchorage, AK 99503

Phone: (907) 929-3939
E-mail: info@safealaskans.org

Email Us


Copyright 2018, Center for Safe Alaskans