
GDL Teen Driver Survey and Quiz

Tell us a little about yourself!

Ready to test your knowledge of what it takes to get a driver's license in Alaska? Please answer a few questions for us before starting your quiz. All participants who submit their quiz and contact information will be eligible to be entered into a drawing to receive a $25.00 Visa gift card as an incentive to help you review what it takes to get your license as a teen driver. See details below.
Alaskan participants who fill out this survey and quiz will be eligible for a drawing for one of five $25.00 Visa gift cards! Please provide your address so we can mail you your gift card if you are selected as a winner. PLEASE NOTE: Only Alaskan residents are eligible to be entered to win a gift card, and you must press submit at the bottom of the page. Please e-mail us at or call 907-929-3939 if you have any issues or questions.
Can we contact you with future safety information and events?(Required)
Age Range(Required)
Are you a teen driver or a parent or caregiver of a teen driver?(Required)


What does GDL stand for?
What is the GDL program designed to do?
What is the minimum age a young driver can get their Instruction Permit (sometimes called a learner's permit)?
What is the minimum age a young driver can move from an Instruction Permit to a Provisional License?
You have just turned 16! You've had your Instruction permit for 6 months and have a good driving record. How do you apply for a provisional license?
Select all of the requirements needed to receive a provisional driver license:
What are the passenger restrictions when driving with your provisional license?
What time is restricted when driving with a provisional license?
Uh oh! You made a mistake while driving with your Instruction permit and you were convicted of violating a traffic law. What happens now?
Oops! You made a mistake while driving with your provisional license and you violated a traffic law. What will happen?
True or False? Drivers with learner's permit or a provisional license can use cell phones as long as they are hands-free devices.