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A Quality Coach is a youth program professional who helps someone improve their program or the way they work with youth.  This workshop focuses on helping staff improve through one-on-one consultation.  The Quality Coaching method is based on the three main concepts of respect, observe, and support. The idea is to maximize productivity in the consultant/manager-staff relationship by starting with a foundation of respect, taking time to observe staff at the point of service and then supporting staff to develop professionally.
Who should attend?
Supervisors and consultants are provided with powerful tools to further help staff deliver high quality at the point of service.  This workshop is a part of the YPQI Management sequence that also includes the Youth PQA Basics and Planning with Data workshops.
  1. Understand what a coach is
  2. Conduct observation-reflection
  3. Assess where they currently are with coaching
  4. Understand underlying theory of coaching and observation-reflection
  5. Transfer theory to new situations

Lunch will be provided.

This workshop is offered as part of the Weikart Center Youth Program Quality initiative. 

This workshop is $40 for non-members, and $25 for contributing coalition members.  Ask us today how to access this discount!